Welcome to the MoVo Homepage!

The MoVo concept (Motivation-Volition concept) was developed by Prof. Dr. Reinhard Fuchs and Prof. Dr. Wiebke Göhner at the University of Freiburg, Germany. It serves to establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle (focus: exercise, nutrition). The effectiveness of this intervention approach has been well documented in a number of studies, especially in the context of rehabilitation (MoVo-LISA), in the field of workplace health promotion (MoVo-work) and in the treatment of obesity (M.O.B.I.L.I.S.).
On this platform you can find out everything about the MoVo concept. Inform yourself about:
- The theoretical background of the MoVo concept
- The different intervention programs
- The studies concerning the MoVo process model and the effectiveness of the interventions
- The MoVo-Strategies for barrier management