
MoVo-EvA (Motivational and Volitional Intervention to Increase Sport and Exercise Activity in the Treatment of Addiction Disorders) is a program developed by the Department of Health and Social Psychology of the Psychological Institute of the German Sport University Cologne (headed by Prof. Dr. Jens Kleinert) on the basis of the MoVo concept (especially the MoVo-LISA program). The aim of MoVo-EvA is to support rehab patients in preparing a regular exercise or sports program for the time after clinic discharge. Physical activities should thus become an integral part of their everyday life. In order to achieve this goal, the group program (maximum four participants) strengthens motivational preconditions and teaches volitional skills for implementation. MoVo-EvA consists of four modules: a workshop (approx. 3 hours), a one-on-one interview (shortly before clinic discharge) as well as a postal reminder card and a short phone call three to six weeks after clinic discharge. An evaluation study is being prepared to test the effectiveness of MoVo-EvA. The modules will be presented in more detail here:


  • Clarifying personal health goals
  • Outlining first ideas for own sports and exercise activities
  • Designing a personal activity plan using the “2pse-rule” (precise, practical, suitable, effective)
  • Anticipating possible internal or external barriers
  • Developing individual counter-strategies for those barriers

One-on-One Interview

  • Checking of the new activity plan (2pse-rule: precise, practical, suitable, effective)

After the stay in the clinic, participants receive a postal reminder with the personal MoVo-EvA contents worked out; three to six weeks after discharge from the clinic, a short phone call is made.

Postal Reminder

Reminder of…

  • Personal health goals
  • Developed own sport or movement plans
  • Personal main barriers (internal and external)
  • Counter strategies for dealing with these barriers

Short Phone Call

  • How well were the sports and exercise plans implemented?
  • Which (inner or outer) barriers occurred?
  • How well could the person handle these barriers?
  • Are changes to the plans or barrier management necessary?

Contact persons for the project: Chloé Chermette (diploma in sports science) and Sophia Krumpen (M.A.), both from the German Sport University Cologne, Department of Health & Social Psychology.

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